Well Timed Encouragement–the Leader’s Role

My assistant knocked on my door and named the person on the phone who’d like to speak with me. I was awaiting a conference call and couldn’t take the call. But as I thought about why this person was calling, negative thoughts entered my mind.

The person calling is a wonderful person who serves on a team leaders of our church who help govern our church. I’d been in a meeting with this person the night before. My mind raced, “what did I say that could’ve made them mad?” “Did I cut them off while they were talking?”

I later returned the call and braced myself to hear what they had to say. What they had to say…

It was well-timed encouragement. This person remarked they came to realize that a certain part of my job had a lot of responsibility, and they felt God told them to pray for me, and that specific work load until it was completed.

This person was obedient. And hanging up, I was literally emotional thinking about someone praying for my work (doesn’t happen much with us executive pastors).

Whether it happens a lot, or less seldom, you likely know what it feels like to receive a well-timed encouragement.

And because you do, you should be on a mission to also be the deliverer of the well-timed encouragement.

You have the power to change someone’s day. With a little effort you can provide well-timed encouragement. It can happen at the office. It should happen at home. It can happen in public.

As a leader, you should be a continual encouragement dispenser.

The expectations of a leader, coupled with the standards of the Bible, should have you wondering how you can build others up.

Any kind of encouragement is good. But the well-timed encouragement is excellent.

Whether this comes naturally or you have to plan it, do it.

I’ve learned if you’re looking for opportunities, and you’re open to God’s leading—you too can be a timely encourager.

p.s. For more thoughts on this subject, I’ve written previously on the best kind of encouragement, the third-party kind.

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