Leadership and Art — A resource
Throughout my life, there’ve been many people who have positively influenced my work in the local church. My dad was the first (serving as pastor), and I’ve continued to be around great people all my life who have served as supervisors and mentors. The last two years I’ve been influenced by Jim Baker (@SacredStructures).
Jim was serving at Brentwood Baptist as Executive Pastor when I first became connected with them. The context of my first interaction with Jim was this discussion: the idea that I might come and serve alongside him at the church. In that first conversation, he began to teach me.
For almost two years, I’ve had a front-row seat to witness his excellent leadership. Selfishly, I’ve enjoyed being the primary focus of his development. But now I’m going to have to share him. Jim and his wife (Lisa) are beginning a new adventure, where they can enjoy some of retirement’s benefits while devoting more time to things they love… art, and the development of others.
Lisa will continue her ministry as a spiritual coach (The Sacred Within), and Jim has begun a ministry called ‘Sacred Structures’. (One element of Jim’s ministry is his art… and not just any art. Trust me – you should see what he can do with biblical metaphors.)
With the launch of ‘Sacred Structures’, Jim now will have the ability to influence even more churches through consulting. Like Jim himself, his website hosts a vast array of resources. If you serve a church and want to improve as a spiritual leader, I suggest at a minimum that you check out his website.
I’ve benefited greatly from Jim’s influence, and I hope he can have a similar influence on you.
Jim’s website: Sacred Structures, Organizational Tools and Resources for Minister and the Churches they serve.

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