Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Discovery to Drill Down: 5 Phase Two Interview Questions

November 17, 2016 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

My most recent blog post relayed my six go-to initial interview questions. The post included discovery questions we utilize early on in our selection process for church staff. But even those questions follow the “cultural” interview which I described in a previous post titled, “Key Interview Component: the Cultural Call.” Below are five of the regular interview questions used when moving... View Article

My 6 Go-To Interview Questions for Church Staff

November 3, 2016 5:14 am Published by 2 Comments

Whether interviewing a candidate for a teaching pastor position or an administrative support position, these are my go-to questions that continue to give me insight into the person during my initial interviews. Maybe they can help you in your selection process… You have several strengths (and I would name some), but tell me what the “shadow side” to these are. Tell me... View Article

Free On-Site Training & Coaching for Your Church

October 20, 2016 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In the first quarter of 2017, I’m calendaring an in-person consulting time for a church. I will do these at zero cost* for the church I select (I’m grateful for serving a church who wants to serve other churches and allows for this). If you’re interested for your church… Consider  the “practical takeaways for everyday church leadership” topics I’ve blogged about at Brian,... View Article