Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Filters when Management and Ministry Face Off

August 10, 2017 5:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

What’s your decision filter when you have pastoral responsibilities and leadership responsibilities that are in tension? Can what’s best pastorally for your church not be what’s best for managing your church? I’ve blogged tips before to help ministers fight through some of the non-preferred management tasks that typically accompany their ministry work. But this is less about tasks and more... View Article

Infraction: Ask the Humanizing Question

August 3, 2017 5:30 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When they send a terse email. When they pick a (metaphorical) fight in a meeting. When they’re emotionally unengaged in an important conversation. When they make a rash decision. It’s these times when we need to ask the humanizing question. In a previous post titled, “When a leader should confront” I suggested Ken Sande’s tip on determining whether a person... View Article

Creativity in Your Staff Meetings

July 27, 2017 5:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

We bring our staff together monthly from all campuses for an “All Staff” meeting. But four times a year we bring the same people together for Quarterly Staff Meeting. And we do it for four hours. That’s right, a four hour meeting. So to avoid people resigning on the spot, we have to work hard to keep people engaged (we’re... View Article