Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Before You Give Them the Chance to Say "I do"

September 17, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Though I’ve never been a senior pastor, there have been seasons in my ministry when I was conducting several weddings each year. But that amount of officiating wasn’t enough for me to remember all that’s involved each time in officiating a wedding. Things like, how to prepare a couple for marriage and how to perform a God-honoring wedding ceremony. While... View Article

What Lice Taught Me About Evangelism

September 12, 2013 5:59 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Last school year, my wife called to tell me she was picking up my second grader from school because she had lice. Photo courtesy of iStockphoto® My only previous knowledge of lice came from elementary school where anyone who had lice was considered “not cool,” and we assumed they never washed their hair. Well, my daughter washes her hair regularly,... View Article

The Humble Brag Among Ministers

September 10, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It happens over lunches. It happens via social media. It happens at conferences and definitely at denominational conventions. It’s often back-handed or passive aggressive, but bottom line: it’s bragging. And its most popular form is the humble brag. The Urban Dictionary defines humble brag as “When you, usually consciously, try to get away with bragging about yourself [or church] by couching it in... View Article