Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Only Promote What You're Passionate About

October 10, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

As 10th grade boys typically did on weekends, my friend Shawn and I were trolling the mall for girls to flirt with. But this particular mall-cruise exhibited another testosterone-induced behavior as well. My friend and another guy unintentionally bumped into each other near the crowded Cinnabon.  An unintentional bump equated to a reason to fight. The intimidating mall police (sarcasm)... View Article

If You're Going To Miss, Call "Help!"

October 8, 2013 6:15 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Photo courtesy of iStockphoto® One of my standard comments to prospective employees or new staff* is: I realize you’re going to fumble the ball sometimes, but just don’t fumble without first calling “help.” It’s one thing to miss a deadline. It’s another to not let people know in advance who may be able to help or do damage control. It’s one thing to... View Article

If It Stinks, Investigate (the task a leader can't ignore)

October 3, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Photo courtesy of iStockphoto® You’re approving odd expense reports. You keep seeing someone in a place they shouldn’t be. One department seems to always have the latest technology. An employee quickly minimizes their screen when you enter their office. These scenarios stink. In my home I change some diapers, but my wife wins the “most diapers changed” award. My primary... View Article