Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Ten Must Read Books For Effective Ministering

November 5, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

These ten titles represent books I’ve engaged since first beginning ministry at age twenty. Some helped with my own soul care, and some helped with my care of others. A few helped me grasp leadership in the church, while others gave me life perspective  on situations I hadn’t yet experienced. If I were charged to create this same list next... View Article

Requiring Ministers To Take A Spiritual Renewal Day

October 31, 2013 6:00 am Published by 1 Comment

In the one-page employment agreement our Church provides its ministers upon being hired, one sentence stands out from the rest: “Once a month, you are to take one day away from the office for a spiritual renewal day.” It’s not a suggestion. It’s not just another important task to prioritize. It’s a job requirement. In the document that outlines what... View Article

5 Ways To Bless Your Church Staff During The Holidays

October 29, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Most everyone knows the anticipation Clark Griswold felt waiting for his Christmas bonus in the movie Christmas Vacation. He had grand plans for the money…a pool for his family. We also know the disappointment Clark felt when his bonus ended up being a one-year membership to the “jelly of the month club.” As Cousin Eddie proclaimed, it was the gift... View Article