Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

6 posts with "practical takeaways" for church leaders

December 18, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I’ve now been blogging for six months. While I hope most of my posts provide “practical takeaways for church leaders,” some are more conducive to action than others. I’ve also learned from readers what posts have allowed for immediate application in church leadership. In no particular order here are six posts with practical takeaways: Church Crisis and The Media View Article

Spiritual Journey: Stolen.

December 10, 2013 5:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I was crushed. As I drove east on Interstate 40 towards our new home in Nashville, I frantically called all the important numbers I could think of, while trying to hear over the flapping of plastic that covered our recently broken window. A new ministry job had our family moving from Texas to Tennessee. En route, we stopped for a... View Article