Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Ministers and Mourning

March 5, 2014 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’ve been doing ministry long, it’s happened. It’ll be months after a friend’s death, and you’ll wake up one day extremely sad. The kind of sad most people typically feel during days 1-3 after losing someone they care about. But in days 1-3 after your friend’s death, you weren’t mourning – you were ministering. While I and others applaud... View Article

Better Writing For Your Church

February 27, 2014 2:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Either learn to write effectively or let your church’s message get lost in a world of other less important messages. The church’s message is paramount, and we’ve got to effectively delivery it. In this video interview, successful Content Activist Ben Stroup provides tips on how to beat the “digital distraction” most of your church members live in. So whether you’re... View Article

Hooters and Me (and you)

February 25, 2014 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

After feeling convicted about not having any un-churched friends, I quit my church softball team and joined a co-ed city league. I didn’t know that the local Hooters restaurant had a team in the league. As I was warming up before a game, I kept noticing Hooters’ girls arrive in their typical service uniforms (from what I’ve been told). I... View Article