Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

When A Leader Should Confront

July 17, 2014 6:01 am Published by Comments Off on When A Leader Should Confront

Photo courtesy of iStockphoto® One of the most important decisions a leader makes is when to confront someone they lead. Confrontation is not a bad word. From its Latin origin, it means to turn your face towards. (What is bad is to say confrontational things, in the form of an email or to a third person when you’re not “facing... View Article

Ministers and Image Management

July 10, 2014 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Ministers and Image Management

How important is it to be perceived well by church members even it means you’re slightly inauthentic? Can you try to impress others and not sin? Are you simply creating a personal brand? I’ve written before about how managing your image with ministry peers and how it leads to church leader jealousy syndrome, but today I’m focused on the image... View Article

My Top Five Blog Posts for Readers

July 3, 2014 6:05 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I’ve now been blogging a year. Below are the posts that received the most views, or based on feedback from readers, were the most helpful in providing practical takeaways for everyday church leadership. Thanks for being a reader. The hardest thing a leader has to say—the last 2% Succession planning for pastors (an interview with the Village Church) Coping with... View Article