Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Receiving Feedback (from those you lead)

September 3, 2015 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Receiving Feedback (from those you lead)

How good are you at receiving critical feedback? How good are you at receiving it from people you lead or supervise? Would those individuals agree with your answer? Formally or informally, have you communicated you’re willing to receive critical feedback?

Surviving the Unexpected Time Consumers

August 27, 2015 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Surviving the Unexpected Time Consumers

It’s happened to you. You had meetings planned, objectives to complete, and even a few “I hope to get to” projects in your head. You had scheduled them neatly on your calendar. Then it happens. Something outside your control enters your life, and messes with your best intentions. Your day is now subject to a sky-is-falling mentality. There is hope... View Article

Well Timed Encouragement–the Leader’s Role

August 13, 2015 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Well Timed Encouragement–the Leader’s Role

My assistant knocked on my door and named the person on the phone who’d like to speak with me. I was awaiting a conference call and couldn’t take the call. But as I thought about why this person was calling, negative thoughts entered my mind. The person calling is a wonderful person who serves on a team leaders of our... View Article