January 23, 2020 5:50 pm
Published by Brian Dodridge
“Sudden braking…quick acceleration…distracted driving…high speeds.” These are all areas I’ve been “dinged on” in the past weeks using my insurance’s app for monitoring safe driving. Theoretically, by using it and showing my insurance company how good a driver I am, I will receive a discount. But the app’s feedback is quite humbling. What if we had an app that “dinged”... View Article
May 29, 2019 5:51 pm
Published by Brian Dodridge
Sunday hustle or sabbath? Are these mutually exclusive? It feels like it. Church leaders every Sunday (weekend) hustle hard to make your ministry excellent (or sometimes, just “covered”) and when the day is done, they can see the fruit of their work, but they never sniffed at having a sabbath. I’ve been a proponent that if your Sunday is a... View Article
January 11, 2019 5:56 pm
Published by Brian Dodridge
The Syllabi Syndrome is the overwhelming experience of being presented all your work in a short period of time. Maybe like me you experienced this in college. It’s the first week of classes and each professor provides you their class’s syllabus. But you take more than one class. So, over your first two days of classes, you have 5-6 syllabi... View Article