Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Why Lateral Leadership Gets More Done

April 27, 2016 5:30 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Privileged to have Kevin Spratt guest post (more about Kevin below post) Many people limit leadership ability to positional authority. What do I mean about positional authority? Someone who has the ability to issue directives and enforce consequences if those directives aren’t followed is someone with positional authority. Typically, we think of our bosses as positional leaders but it can... View Article

Good and Bad Reasons Not to Tackle Problems

April 21, 2016 5:36 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re a leader, you see problems. Many times you’ll see them before others do. But what if as you see these problems, and you choose not to engage them? When a leader chooses not to engage a problem in their area of influence, I can think of at least two reasons for making that decision – one is good, healthy,... View Article