Creativity in Your Staff Meetings

We bring our staff together monthly from all campuses for an “All Staff” meeting. But four times a year we bring the same people together for Quarterly Staff Meeting. And we do it for four hours. That’s right, a four hour meeting. So to avoid people resigning on the spot, we have to work hard to keep people engaged (we’re not always successful). Here’s a few of the ways we do it:
- We provide food
- We mix up the content
- We have a “fun team”
- We use multi-media
- We laugh at each other
- We vary the presenters
- We “show off” God’s wins in ministry and wins of staff members
- We include development (professional, personal, or spiritual or all three)
- And we have a “newsletter” so they can read rather than be bored by the executive pastor.
The last bullet above, the newsletter is titled “The Office.” It includes tid bits in the Dodridge Download column (see picture of my head split open), a feature article that highlights a staff member, and other pieces of content that celebrates ministry wins, celebrates people, and also pokes fun at people. Maybe there’s an idea or two for church—you can check it out on Resource Page.
p.s. We have a lot of talented people who write and design this content and I’m thankful for them and if it works for you, take their ideas.