Church Member Perception of Ministers part 2
Church Member Perception, part two: (Miss part one? Read it here)
Recently, I read a post by Michael Hyatt that talked about attitude change. By changing out one word in his vocabulary, he was able to affect a healthier perspective on life, and a changed attitude. (Read his post here.)
The words he removed from his attitude vocabulary were “I have to” – and the words he replaced them with are “I get to.”
In my best moments, I realize I do this, and maybe you do too:
- I get to do ministry as my job.
- I get to honor God with hours of my time each week.
- I get to come alongside people in their weakest moments.
- I get to be with people when they choose Jesus.
- I get use my gifts and skills for work that makes a Kingdom impact.
- I get to fulfill the calling I believe God placed on my life.
That’s a big difference than what I often hear myself and others say:
- I have to write a blog about church leadership.
- I have to attend a meeting.
- I have to go to lunch today with a church member.
- I have to make an outreach visit.
- I have to visit the hospital.
- I have to prepare a sermon.
One word can encourage a negative perspective to those you interact with. If the congregants at your church hear a sense of “I’ve got to do this,” it’ll likely have negative implications for your ministry impact in the future.
One word change can frame things differently, and alter your attitude.
One purposed word choice can allow people around you to hear how blessed you feel for getting to do ministry.
Be encouraged: we “got” called into this.

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