Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Ministry Magic

September 15, 2017 5:37 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Have you ever felt the expectation to create “ministry magic?” Sometimes this expectation comes from others. And sometimes we’ve talked ourselves into thinking we have to create ministry magic. After a recent talk at my church, an intern on staff found a picture of me presenting and decided to dress it up a bit. While I thought it was funny,... View Article

Micro Shifts for Macro Ministry

September 7, 2017 5:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Despite writing there were “no silver bullets” for churches, he still had me with the offering that there are “Micro-shifts that have the potential to produce macro-change in your church.” Even for a guy that struggled through his micro and macro-economic courses, the idea intrigued me. Daniel Im has written a new book titled, No Silver Bullets and I wanted... View Article

Mistake Fail Safe

August 24, 2017 5:22 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Who’s keeping you from losing your job? Who’s the person you reach out to and say, “Can I run something by you?” Last week I was minutes away from publishing a new blog post. And at the last minute, I copied and pasted the content into an email and sent it to a friend. I asked, “As a church member,... View Article