July 11, 2013 5:00 am
Published by Brian Dodridge
It felt just like the first day of a college class. The syllabus was passed out and the instruction method was explained. And then, the assessment tool was revealed—a comprehensive test at the end of the semester. Worse yet for me, the instructor and test proctor was my direct supervisor! In college, I always remember being overwhelmed by the syllabi... View Article
July 9, 2013 4:00 am
Published by Brian Dodridge
My name is Brian, and I suffer from church leader jealousy syndrome. Despite it being the day the church I was serving was being featured in a local Metro newspaper article as being the biggest in the county, and having launched another regional campus, I felt jealous. Sin perpetuates jealousy and competition. How’d I become jealous after reading the newspaper? Later... View Article
July 7, 2013 4:00 am
Published by Brian Dodridge
Word gets out about your church’s open staff position. People begin spreading the word via social media. Church members come up to you and tell you about their nephew who’d be great for the position. Less than capable church members submit resumes. You begin receiving resumes and comparing candidates to candidates, to see who stands out. This is often status-quo, and... View Article