Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

How To Present A Compelling Church Budget

August 13, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Our church’s budget has increased 172% over the last decade. That’s due to God’s blessing, but it’s also a product of good presentation (amongst other factors). To inform and compel, we have to continue finding new, creative ways to present our budget each year. Some people will give financially either way, but our budget presentations are for the other people—those... View Article

Can a part-time employee still be effective?

August 6, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hiring at a part-time level is purposeful in our ministry setting. It’s a part of our strategy to manage our resources until other factors drive us to full-time positions. We refer to it as “incrementalism.” There are typically gains with small, incremental steps in both cost and efficiency. This is true of most ventures, but employee hours especially. We’ve found... View Article