Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Hard Lessons Learned the Hard Way

August 22, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

He’s been the pastor of Brentwood Baptist Church for over 20 years. He’s been a part of a lot of awesome things God has done here and he’s also taken the opportunity to learn along the way. Below is his description of a hard lesson learned that has freed him up to be the pastor God called him to be.... View Article

How You’re Disrespecting Others

August 20, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

We’ve all done it. But the occasional occurrence isn’t the issue. It’s the pattern that’s the problem. It’s being late—habitually late. Primarily, I’m focusing on lateness in the work environment. A pattern (more than 1/5 meetings) of lateness communicates one thing to the others in the room: “My time and work is more important than your time and work.” You’d... View Article

It's Not Cheating! It's Collaboration

August 15, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Collaboration isn’t cheating. I blame my school system for misleading me for so long. In one of the first TED conference talks, Englishmen Sir Ken Robinson spoke on the future of education. He stated that what schools prohibit and call “cheating” is most often called “collaboration” in the workplace. Embarrassingly, from grades 6-10, I cheated in school. I had some... View Article