Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

On-boarding Staff Process

September 4, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

As a hiring manager or leader, there are two reasons you might need to review this post: 1.) You don’t hire new employees often, so you have no system and can’t easily remember all the steps that need to take place each time you do have an opportunity to hire someone. 2.) You’re hiring a lot of new employees, so... View Article

Problem Solvers Need Not Apply

August 29, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

We don’t need more problem solvers. What we do need are more problem avoiders. As a leader, what if you were effective enough to solve problems before they even presented themselves? Like many leaders, in an interview for my current position, I remarked that I was a “problem solver.” I thought this was a good skill. However, I’ve come to... View Article

The Best Kind of Encouragement

August 27, 2013 6:00 am Published by 1 Comment

“I was talking to Nancy the other day, and she was bragging about how well you’ve been ministering to the Smith family through their crisis. Well done!” Third-party encouragement can be the best kind of encouragement. Typically, triangulation has a negative connotation. But when you can triangulate someone in encouragement, you can actually multiply the compliment. As a leader, this... View Article