Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Expressed permission to “Get Back!”

March 9, 2018 10:26 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Who’s telling you to “get back!”? Who has the authority to step in and tell you to “step back” from something you’re doing? You’ve likely seen it, but you may not know what it’s called. Or actually, what the person is called. Most college and professional football teams have a “get back coach.” During the week they have another role... View Article

Leadership Blind Spot Automation

November 15, 2017 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It beeps. It lights up. It creates awareness that your casual over-the-shoulder look can’t achieve. Vehicles have come a long way in blind spot technology. It use to require a head turn of some seventy-five degrees. Then manufactures made the mini-mirrors to be added to your side view mirror. And now, automated blind spot checkers. I doubt most of us... View Article

Pronoun Posturing (for leaders)

September 28, 2017 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s been told to me, and I’ve said it. It’s a leadership principle that’s been touted. It’s this, we need to earn our right to lead. We have to go out and do the hard work, the behind the scenes work, the work that involves leading a couple of people before a couple hundred people. And while there’s some truth... View Article