Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Unfettered Fun With Your Staff – Special Olympics Style

January 15, 2014 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

For several years, I had the opportunity to chaperone the annual Special Olympics dance at the Summer Games. It was greatness. Thousands of Special Olympian athletes on a football field, loud music, unfettered dancing, and fun.   No pretenses. No wondering, “Is anyone watching?” Everyone, including this chaperone, had a great time (but no twerking was involved). While I’m not... View Article

Hiring Family| Avoiding Nepotism On Church Staffs

January 7, 2014 5:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It was my choice to recommend the student minister hire to our church’s personnel team. But the decision also had to be validated by the church membership. And the decision to hire the Pastor’s daughter as student minister came with some turmoil. I wanted the best student minister available to the church. And she was that. Yes, she was a... View Article

Understanding Your Team's Language

December 19, 2013 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Seven years into my marriage, my wife and I realized we were having problems forming apologies to each other. I apologized to her the way I wanted her to apologize to me… “I’m sorry. I’m going to take XYZ steps to ensure it doesn’t happen again.” But she wanted something different. She wanted me to own it, by recognizing the... View Article