Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Church Member Perception of Ministers, part 1

February 6, 2014 7:14 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Preface: This is an aspirational post about something I believe should become a reality. It’s a subject matter I’ve not mastered yet – but it’s an area in which I’m trying to improve.   “I know you’re busy, but can I have a few minutes of your time?” If you’re a church staff-member and you’re hearing that question often, it’s... View Article

Dealing With Admin vs Ministry Tension

January 29, 2014 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Most ministers struggle with the day-to-day tension between administrative duties and pastoral duties. It sometimes feels like a competition: business versus ministry. Can the two co-exist? Some church staff roles are primarily operational, and some are primarily pastoral. But usually, whether it’s implied in your title or not, most roles are a combination of the two. This is especially true... View Article

3 Words That Make Delegation Clear

January 21, 2014 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Check. Do. Report. You might hear a sentence like this spoken at the place I work: Supervisor to assistant: “This is a ‘Do – Report’ task. Please reach out to the senior leaders for their input from our calendaring meeting, and then report back to me with a summary of their comments.” “Check – Do – Report” is called the... View Article