Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

The Needed And Under-Developed Skills Of Ministers

March 27, 2014 4:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Photo courtesy of iStockphoto® I’ve gotten to learn from Jeff Young and be his friend, for more than a decade now. No matter where Jeff has served, he’s always made it a point to serve other churches and ministers. Many people can claim Jeff as a mentor – he purposely looks for opportunities to care for and develop those around him.... View Article

The Hardest Thing A Leader Says…The Last 2%

March 25, 2014 5:45 am Published by 1 Comment

This is post two of four on church staff values. You can get context from my first post, here: Information Sharing.  “Your work is not meeting expectations and must improve for you to continue working here.” “The way you are treating me and others on the staff is unacceptable.” “When you come to meetings late and unprepared, it reflects poorly... View Article

Making Your Church Staff Better, With Information

March 18, 2014 7:10 am Published by Leave your thoughts

  A couple years into my role as Executive Pastor at my previous church, I saw a need to develop some staff values. These weren’t published for our church member’s consumption or developed for official use by our personnel team. These were merely created by and used for our staff, as a way of communicating practical expectations. Specifically, they provided... View Article