Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Church Staff & The Minion Treatment

May 22, 2014 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Photo courtesy of iStockphoto® There’s a direct correlation between the person who interrupts others and monopolizes conversations, and where they’re placed on the organizational chart. And recent studies have shown that the more leadership responsibilities you have, the more likely you are to become that person. Daniel Goleman, in article for Harvard Business Review (December 2013) describes how conversation-monopolizers and... View Article

Sandwich Board Guys and Church Methodology

May 15, 2014 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I had visceral feelings when I noticed him. I’d seen this guy before, but not in years, and not in my neighborhood. The feelings his presence and message elicited were strong, perhaps sinful. Standing at the corner of the intersection, with a sandwich board draped over his shoulders, his board’s message declared: “Believe on Jesus. Repent or burn!” Ironically, my... View Article

The Right Amount Of Transparency In Interviews

May 8, 2014 6:00 am Published by 1 Comment

“I love my family and church too much to enter into a process that’s anything less than transparent. The stakes are too high for us.” This is the statement I made to my interviewer during his second call in the selection process. The process would mean leaving my church, and joining the staff of another one. I could only speak... View Article