Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

When You're an Inadequate Leader

August 12, 2014 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on When You're an Inadequate Leader

Photo courtesy of iStockphoto® There are some days you’ll feel like an inadequate leader. Some days, it’s just something you feel – and other days, it’s a reality. In my library, I have just shy of 100 books on leadership. So, I know (or at least have read about) what it means to be an effective leader. I know what... View Article

Designing Church Intern Programs

July 31, 2014 7:31 am Published by Comments Off on Designing Church Intern Programs

A ministry intern’s effectiveness is usually correlated to the effectiveness of the internship plan and supervisor. There’s been a lot written about how to properly use an intern to be both helpful to the intern and to your church. Without going into those pros and cons, let’s start at the foundation: designing an internship plan that will attract the best interns for... View Article

A Critical Step in Hiring A Minister

July 24, 2014 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on A Critical Step in Hiring A Minister

The pause. The pause is relevant no matter how many ministers you hire. The pause is critical no matter your church’s governance model. The pause is a ‘must have’ no matter how long you’ve been hiring ministers. The pause is, in fact, a pause. After each step in your selection process with a minister candidate, you as a church leader... View Article