Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Key Interview Component: the Cultural Call

December 4, 2014 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Key Interview Component: the Cultural Call

Photo contributor: Grafner via iStockphoto® As a church, before you start asking a lot of interview questions of a ministerial candidate, first, talk about you. We recently hired a campus and teaching pastor for our newest regional campus. For this pastor, I followed the same selection process we use for all ministerial hires. In one of his last group interviews with... View Article

Is Your Ministry Calling Too Comfortable?

November 25, 2014 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Is Your Ministry Calling Too Comfortable?

How comfortable should you be, in the place you’ve been called? Every once in a while, God chooses to show me what my ministry-calling could look like…how uncomfortable it could be. He showed me once when I was interviewing with a church. On the weekend I was there for an interview, a 160 missionaries were being commissioned to international service. It... View Article

When A Backward or Lateral Move Is Okay

November 13, 2014 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on When A Backward or Lateral Move Is Okay

Photo courtesy of iStockphoto® Church staff members aren’t exempt from a ladder-climbing mentality. We’re not exempt from wanting more pay or recognition. We’re not exempt, but we can’t allow that mentality to drive our decisions. As a Christian, and one whom has fully given your life’s vocation to Christ, you must pursue and prioritize that calling first, and above all... View Article