Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Keeping Your Kids And Your Call To Ministry

December 30, 2014 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Keeping Your Kids And Your Call To Ministry

“Brian, they don’t care what happened at work. They don’t care that you’ve surpassed your 7,000 word allotment for the day, or that you could have worked three more hours and still left things undone. They care about you spending time with them.” This is often the speech I give myself as I pull into my cul-de-sac after work. In... View Article

An Opportunity To Learn and Do Ministry

December 18, 2014 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on An Opportunity To Learn and Do Ministry

Earlier this week I wrote about the value of both seminary and ministry experience. What I didn’t mention in that blog is the growing number of ministry residencies available to those called to ministry. Like in medical school, a residency gives you an in-depth look into local church ministry while providing relationships, group learning, and experience in doing ministry. My... View Article

Seminary or Experience – which one's best?

December 17, 2014 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Seminary or Experience – which one's best?

If you’re hiring a minister at your church, would you prefer they have three years of solid experience serving in a church, or is it more valuable to have a seminary degree? A seminary degree can indicate: They’ve shown they can complete something they started. Solid writing skills, which should translate well to ministry work. Commitment to a calling. No... View Article