Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Past & Present: Disqualifiers From Being Hired

January 27, 2015 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Past & Present: Disqualifiers From Being Hired

  ©qingwa / Dollar Photo Club At some point in a minister hiring process, the question needs to be asked: is there anything in your present or in your past that could disqualify you from this position? And that question needs to be answered, fully. Many times, churches are afraid to ask that question. Their reasons might be: I like... View Article

Leave Your Pastor Alone! (On Sundays)

January 15, 2015 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Leave Your Pastor Alone! (On Sundays)

©xtock / Dollar Photo Club Usually about 7:30 a.m. each Sunday, he strolls into my office. Always his tie is loosened, and he’s drinking coffee out of his favorite mug. My pastor and I typically chat about just a few things during this weekly exchange. There might be a few comments on a weekend sporting event, or light discussion about... View Article

How Much "Ministry" Should Be Shared With Family?

January 8, 2015 6:01 am Published by Comments Off on How Much "Ministry" Should Be Shared With Family?

This is part two of “keeping your kids and your call to ministry.” Read part one here. As a minister, how much “work” should you discuss with your spouse? Are you a concealer, revealer, or spiller? Which one is the right way to be? I grew up in a pastor’s home. During my 17 years of marriage, I’ve worked in... View Article