Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Leading effectively (even if you’re outsmarted)

March 24, 2015 1:05 pm Published by Comments Off on Leading effectively (even if you’re outsmarted)

©Timothy Masters/ Dollar Photo Club IQ not high enough? Lack a special talent? Can’t woo a room with your command of the English language? Can’t connect all the dots from vision to strategy? If so, you’re not alone – and, these things don’t automatically disqualify you from leadership. You simply have to work more intentionally. Below are eight hints for... View Article

The Cost of ‘Arriving’ in Ministry

March 12, 2015 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on The Cost of ‘Arriving’ in Ministry

©iQoncept/ Dollar Photo Club Are you a better minister this year than you were last year? What are you doing to ensure you are? I’ve heard leadership gurus ask, “Can you get just 5% better this year as a leader?” In his book, Elevate, Rich Horwath talks about the lack of intentional improvement amongst leaders. I think his ideas also apply... View Article

Why You Should Waste Church Resources

March 4, 2015 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Why You Should Waste Church Resources

©ImagePixel/ Dollar Photo Club It’s hard to walk away from something that’s taken a significant investment of time and resources. But I’m learning in my position as executive pastor (and it’s likely applicable for other ministry leadership positions), the investment of time into things that never see the light of day is actually me doing my job effectively. I assume all... View Article