Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Managing Our Image: Our ‘Deflate-Gate’

May 20, 2015 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Managing Our Image: Our ‘Deflate-Gate’

©pzphotos/ Dollar Photo Club What do you manipulate to gain an edge? It’s doubtful that you instruct an employee to deflate a football – and the things we do are likely not even clearly cheating. But, there are things we do or don’t do to impact people’s perceptions of us; Author and Pastor John Ortberg calls this image management. If... View Article

Slowing Down to Minister (literally)

May 6, 2015 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on Slowing Down to Minister (literally)

©RATOCA/ Dollar Photo Club Think about the pastor in your life who’s had the most profound effect on you. My hunch is that the person who popped into your brain influenced you not through their accomplishments, but rather, their presence. Pastors who can exhibit presence, despite all the things going on with them or the church, have a profound influence... View Article

9 Questions/90 Seconds – My Reader Suvey?

May 1, 2015 9:00 am Published by Comments Off on 9 Questions/90 Seconds – My Reader Suvey?

©Web Buttons Inc/ Dollar Photo Club You’re why I write and I need your help. If you’d give me 90 seconds to complete my reader survey, it’d not only help me, but I’ll learn ways to better help you. The survey includes a few demographic questions and a few questions to help me find out what I can do to serve... View Article