Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Avoiding Decision Fatigue in Your Leadership

July 30, 2015 11:56 am Published by Comments Off on Avoiding Decision Fatigue in Your Leadership

Churches make bad decisions when church leaders have nothing left in the tank. It’s hard to run a race well, when you’re fatigued. Six years ago, my wife decided we should enter into a sprint triathlon (a sprint distance is far less grueling than the Olympic or Ironman versions). So we began our training together. She was committed until she... View Article

The Best Learning Questions for Ministers

July 23, 2015 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on The Best Learning Questions for Ministers

From time to time, fellow ministers or church staff teams will ask to spend a day at our church, visiting with our staff. Most often these people want to get another perspective of church and leadership. Occasionally, our staff will go to their churches and do the same. In most cases, both groups benefit. But in order to benefit, you... View Article

The Critical Nature of Staff Orientation & 100 Day Reviews

July 16, 2015 6:00 am Published by Comments Off on The Critical Nature of Staff Orientation & 100 Day Reviews

©aleksandarfilip / Dollar Photo Club Everyone I know who does this, does it differently. But not everyone does this. When you don’t go through orientation and an early review, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to gather fresh ideas and insights. It allows you the opportunity to build relationships and ensures that everyone who works with you is on... View Article