Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Free On-Site Church Leadership Consulting For You

September 21, 2015 7:47 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In early 2016, I’m calendaring two in-person consulting times for churches. I will do these at zero cost* for the churches I select (I’m grateful for serving a church who wants to serve other churches and allows for this). If you’re interested for your church… Consider  the “practical takeaways for everyday church leadership” topics I’ve blogged about at Brian, and if... View Article

They’re the Most Frustrated Church Members

September 10, 2015 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

They’re the most frustrated people in the church. Well, that’s been my experience. They’re typically highly engaged and gregarious. They have obvious spiritual gifts and understand the local church. So why are they frustrated? Perhaps because they don’t have a ministerial title. And what’s odd, they really don’t want one. But, they believe God wants them to have one.