Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

Planning a staff retreat (sans strategy)

October 29, 2015 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

This week our church’s ministerial staff will be on retreat. Once a year we take two and half days away. While we’re there on this annual outing, here’s what we don’t do: Plot the next year’s activity calendar Wordsmith our church’s mission statement Review ministry opportunities and determine the wins/losses of our efforts Instead, we strive to: Connect to God... View Article

Working with Visionaries Effectively

October 7, 2015 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Visionary leaders are awesome. They’re even awesome-er if they’ve surrounded themselves with others who can help ensure that their visions get realized – or pushed back if they don’t add up. Some of you are equipped to work alongside visionary leaders – but sometimes, it can be difficult. Whether the visionary leader is awesome or not-so-awesome, working with them does... View Article

The Pitfalls of Hiring Church Members on Staff

September 24, 2015 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It can be a mistake for your church. Or it could be a win. Sometimes it’s the path of least resistance. And sometimes it’s exactly the right decision. Hiring church members onto your church staff can cause problems. Not unlike hiring family members (previous post on nepotism on church staffs), there are benefits for doing this as well as drawbacks.... View Article