Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

4 Simple Rules for Working with and Hiring Creatives

April 14, 2016 5:35 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I’m privileged to have Darrel Girardier guest blog for me today. Darrel serves Brentwood Baptist Church as the Digital Strategy Director. If you’re like me, you’re not crazy creative, but you work with those who are. And Darrel gets how to bridge the gap. I think today’s post will help you as you consider finding, hiring, and working well with... View Article

Leadership Pipeline: In one? Should You Have One?

April 6, 2016 5:30 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In your educational experience, it’s likely you’ve participated in a group project – specifically, the much debated and mainly loathed kind where you don’t get to choose who’s in your group. Most group participants seem to have one thing in mind: How can I get the best grade while contributing the least amount of effort? Although I won’t admit that... View Article

Being Outside the Information Loop

March 31, 2016 5:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Everyone likes to be included. Most people want to be informed. You’ve likely been left outside an information loop you would’ve liked to be in. And you’ve likely had to make a decision about who’s in and who’s out with information you had to share. Those who are left out of the loop can feel hurt. Your choice of intentionally... View Article