Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

The Value of an Incomplete Answer

June 22, 2016 5:28 am Published by 1 Comment

The meeting was tracking well. One particular individual was contributing helpful information and insightful remarks to those in the meeting. But then… they couldn’t stop. They kept talking. And before long, their extra contributions caused us to forget what their meaningful contribution had been. One more point, one more remark, one more anecdote. It soon becomes white noise for all... View Article

5 Responses to Critiques

June 9, 2016 5:00 am Published by 1 Comment

I like to read leadership books. What I don’t like is reading about myself in a book and it not being a compliment. I guess I had delusions of grandeur that if I were to be mentioned in a top shelf leadership book, it would be for some sort of example where I’d been part of something good. But that’s... View Article