Author Archives for Brian Dodridge

The Church’s Large Donor You Don’t Know About

October 12, 2016 5:30 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Do you have a “large donor” in your church? Or as some call them, a “high capacity” giver? I’d say, “Yes, you absolutely do.” It’s you. It’s the church leadership. The church leadership has the responsibility of stewarding well whatever resources God has brought to the local church. And if you steward well and maximize what you already have, you’ve... View Article

A Simple Tool for Measuring Idea Support

July 27, 2016 7:28 am Published by Leave your thoughts

How do you know when your idea is gaining consensus within the group? In groups, there are usually two kinds of people – those who express their thoughts without prompting, and those who rarely express their thoughts.  If you’re not careful, you’ll allow those who do speak to speak on behalf of those who don’t, and you may start believing... View Article

Before Moving to a New Place: Understand its change readiness

July 21, 2016 5:30 am Published by Leave your thoughts

“If you’re considering coming here and joining our staff and are thinking to yourself, ‘When I get there, I’m okay with some things, but I’ve got to change…’ then you probably shouldn’t come at all.” That statement is a standard talking point I use in our minister selection process during our “cultural call.” I received similar advice in premarital counselling.... View Article